
Update on Last Post

I'm not going to delete my last post or even edit it because that's really what I thought at the time. Also, we haven't talked about Literature today, so I'm still a little ticked off because I feel like we're never going to get it done. It takes us forever to finish anything. Even laundry. It's taken the entire afternoon to run a load of jeans through the washing machine because cold water runs in at a trickle. It's really annoying, and I don't have time to stand there and pour water in.

Well, maybe I do. It's not like I'm doing anything else.

I drove into school today. Eric always gets so nervous, but he doesn't want to drive, and I pay attention. I even go the speed limit in the parking lot. I don't know what his problem is. :P

When I was in my blog the other day (I can't remember when), I went into the html so that I could edit my links. I wanted to do it, but I couldn't just click and type. Well, I could, but not in the way that I imagined. So I got to the FAQs of blogger.com, and it walked me through it. The template that I had chosen didn't have a built in paragraph for links, so I had to copy and paste. Then I had to move the pasting down to where I wanted it because it wouldn't paste there for some reason. Then I lost a line in the middle, so I had to go back and find that. It was actually kind of fun.

Eric just read this and said it made no sense. I don't care. I just had fun doing it, and I don't really care if anybody makes any sense out of anything I post here. So there. :P

So, that's what my day's been like. I went to class, came home, started that load of jeans, did school, fixed dinner, read a book, and now I'm going to put that load of jeans in the dryer, because they're finally ready.

Less than three days until the retreat!!



I hate literature. No, that's not right. I hate discussing literature. That's when Mom puts her condescending voice on. There's nothing I say that will produce the right answer. She will ask the question and give both Eric and me an opportunity to try to answer, but then she reads the answer in its entirety, whether or not we're even close to the right answer. So I hate that about as much as Pip hates Uncle Pumblechook in his condescending pompousness.


5 Days More

Five more days!!!!!!! to the exact minute!!!!!!!!!! It'll be so much fun!!!!!! Lisa might even be able to go!!!!!!

I'd better publish this so it really will be to the exact minute. :)


7 days

One more week before the retreat! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! I can't wait. It'll be so much fun, and I'll get to see all my friends that I haven't seen since July. Then I'll get to see the people I met in March. That was fun; I hope I get to know them better this retreat.

I'm not excited enough to count the hours until the retreat because I don't have THAT much time on my hands, but someone else is, I'm sure. :)


Experiment: Failed

Okay, here's the deal. I was going to try something new today. I got up really late and didn't do any school at all this morning. I even went over and played with Barbies with Lexi for an hour and a half. Okay, that wasn't so fun, but it was fun to see her and play hide-and-seek with her. I also got to hold Taylor and he didn't scream. I think Barney helped a lot. You know, "I love you. You love me." That sort of thing. He even smiled. Lydia is convinced that he hates her and loves me enough to even it out. Mom says babies don't know what they think. I'm miffed.

Well, then I got home around noon, and then I didn't feel like doing school at all. I hate doing school in the afternoon. Plus, it's freezing in here; I don't think I could play anything on the piano very well.

The result of this experiment is that I failed big time. I'm not going to put off school until after dinner again. I'm going to do it in the morning, and when something's happening in the morning, I'm going to do it the night before because I hate making things up. I'd rather do it ahead of time. Well, you know how I'm going to feel about school for the next couple of days. Making it up. And don't say I could do it now because I refuse. No way am I going to mess up my gorgeous handwriting with my icicles of fingers. :)



I have two things to say in this post titled "title."
First, why do I have to title all my posts. After finally think of a title, I feel as if I have to restrict that post to just such as pertains to the title. It's restricting. So this time I'm going to write about something that has nothing to do with the title.
Second, I'm beginning to like blogging, even if nobody ever comments. That's because I have neglected to tell anybody about it. So it's my fault that nobody ever comments. I like blogging because I can basically write about whatever I want, it's computerized, and I can save the paper in my journal for what I'm really bothered about. Here I can spout whatever I want and then delete it later after I've had my fun with it. The downside is other people can view it, but it's not too much of a downside because I guess I don't care too much if people read this. However, since almost nobody does see it, it doesn't matter, does it?


Career Options

I don't want to think about having a career. I want to go to school forever. Maybe I could get my doctorate. Only problem is, what would I get it in? I don't know that either. Neither do I want to think about it. I could be a realtor. That's a boring job. Maybe I'll be a journalist. I like reading what columnists write. Dad doesn't when it's a bunch of hooey, but I think it's interesting. It would be fun to change people's minds, or paint a picture for someone with words. That'd be cool because I am definitely not artistic.

Hey! I thought I wasn't going to think about having a career. Oops. That's what I get for titling this post "Career Options". :P


I don't have a title, so live with it.

I'm bored, so I was e-mailing a bunch of people on my contact list. Lydia saw what I was doing and said why don't I update my blog instead. Well, I am, but this is all I'm going to write because at that moment, I had run out of things to say and am not going to repeat what I did have to say for the umpteenth time. So, this is my officiall update.


I don't like school right now.

  • We have no strict schedule. Nothing's ever really due. Sure, we have a day-by-day, but nobody get's in trouble for not following it.
  • There's no schedule at all, except for mine, and nobody ever follows mine. I don't like it!!
  • Once I turn something, I'm lucky to have it graded in the same week.
  • Once something is graded, I'm lucky to see it before the following week passes.
  • There is absolutely no competition. I'm a competitive person, so that really puts me down sometimes, like right now.



It took me forever to finish school today: one whole hour over my finishing goal! I thought I'd take my time getting out of bed this morning and just breeze through my lessons. Well, I did take my time getting out of bed, but it took me three hours to finish, and I still have to practice piano and do my geometry homework. I'm thinking about taking my chemistry test, too, but I'm trying to put that off as long as possible.
I liked it better when I was doing a day's work in two hours, although I guess three hours isn't bad. It's not like I'd do anything productive anyway. Yesterday it took me all day to finish, but I found out that it helped because I got a 99% on my history test! That is definitely a reason to take my time!!!
So, I guess I won't complain anymore about school taking a long time. However, I will say that there are a ton of distractions working downstairs. Lydia lost a book and is nearly frantic. She pretty much spent all morning looking for it, but she did make an apple crisp. Yum.



I don't know what my favorite movie is. I don't know if I even have one. I'm watching The Princess Bride right now, and that' probably in the top ten. I also like National Treasure. I never believed that I would like a Disney production with Nicolas Cage, but it was really good. My favorite, though, is probably The Sound of Music.I can't wait until The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe comes out!