Jacque and Becky left this morning. :( Jacque left her four decks of cards. I didn't really think she would, but I'm guessing she forgot them. Oh well. I'm not upset except for the fact that the jokers to two decks are missing, and so are the boxes that hold each deck. I like to keep it all together.
It's really warm outside. I went to town this afternoon, and I stupidly put on my winter coat. I could have worn flip-flops. Oh, I just looked, and it's 61 outside. That's really warm compared to what it has been. Well, okay, it's been on an average of 59 upstairs all week, but it's so much nicer when it's that warm/cold outside. I actually think it's warm in here right now, which is weird, because basically the temperature doesn't change. My perception of such merely varies.
The Thanksgiving Psalm Sing is almost here! I'm looking forward to it. It's in Winchester, and I know for certain that Lisa probably won't skip out on that. She's missed a lot of other stuff due to play practice and school, but the play has happened, and her church is hosting the psalm sing, so she'll be there. Also, others will be there. Yay!
It's kind of fun watching other people clean. Mom and Lydia (note the names here) are cleaning the computer room so that Eric (note this name) can have his friends over tonight to play Warcraft II. Why they're playing that, I don't know, but he is, and those boys are building grand plans. Eric's kind of in here supervising, but he's not really cleaning. Mom and Lydia are actually having a little trouble cleaning because it's a bunch of Dad's papers, and they really can't throw those away. Mom has this huge box that she's piling everything of his in. That's interesting because most of it is junk, and that's what I do when I clean the computer room. Unfortunately, it's not going to be sorted through for a long time, especially if nothing there is of any importance. Eric just found some money of his and said, "Hey, it does pay to clean!" Mom replied, "Well, Eric, if you'd just take care of your stuff...!" Well, this room is actually looking better. Eric might be able to fit everybody in this evening.
Hm, I think I'm going to see what I can do to help. I might go brush my teeth or clean up the kitchen a little. We are going to have company!