Tuesday--Day 2
Tuesday morning came, and everyone wanted the shower. I waited until 7:40 to crawl out of bed, but I was through the shower and dressed for breakfast with minutes to spare! After breakfast some of us headed back to our room to make our beds and clean up the room a little for room inspection.
Tuesday morning's session included an examination of Psalm 24. We learned that everything in this earth belongs to God as said in verse one. We are not worthy to ascend his hill because only a perfectly righteous one may do so. However, we receive the righteousness of God and can then ascend, just as Jacob did.
For morning recreation there were two games: Annie-over and Ultimate Frisbee. I played both. When Annie-over sort of died out, I joined the game of Ultimate Frisbee and even helped make a point!
Greg talked about the kingdom of God in the second morning session. The dom in kingdom refers to the fact that God rules over his dominion, or place where he rules with authority. Second, the rule of Christ is everywhere or universal.
After lunch, we had quiet time. First we had fifteen minutes in which no one was allowed to talk. Then we all divided into our little groups for skits. In my group was Betsy, Jerusha, Tirzah, Molly, Lydia, Emily, and me. We sort of figured out what we were going to do, and then we got dressed for organized recreation.
Organized recreation was kickball. We sat around waiting for many of the girls to get dressed and finally started without them. Once everyone was there, a total of three games were played. the Asian Invasion team lost both games they played.
Jerusha, Lydia, and I played some pool before we decided to go canoeing. I quickly grew bored of trying to canoe in a straight line, so then we went swimming. The water felt great.
Free time ended, and supper passed. John McFarland spoke for the evening session on the Reformed Idol. I'll write another post on that. Pastor McFarland also led campfire. He had us listen to Steve Green. He warned us that we should spend make an effort to spread the Gospel and reach others for Crhsit. For if we don't tell others about Him, who will?
After campfire, I lost a ping pong game to Olivia and won an air hockey game against Taylor. Then I watched the Skittle game that was going on before we all gathered for
Thus was the Tuesday, the second day of camp.