If you're wondering why I haven't updated this blog in forever, here's why. I've moved to a different blog. For most of you, reading my xanga will tell you everything you'll ever need to know about me. Keep in touch!
God bless,
Feeling free...
If you're wondering why I haven't updated this blog in forever, here's why. I've moved to a different blog. For most of you, reading my xanga will tell you everything you'll ever need to know about me. Keep in touch!
God bless,
Posted by
9:40:00 AM
comments has been busy around here. Jacque and Erin left last Monday, and then I had a couple days with an empty room. I made no attempt to clean it, though, and the week flew by. Then Friday came, and I had to clean my room at least a little bit before Jessica came. She's here for until next Monday or Tuesday!
I haven't started school in earnest, but I've been busy packing up books and papers from last year. I've been doing some physics lessons and a little history in addition to practicing, but the packed schedule won't come for another week or so. I realized earlier today that the longer I put off starting school, the later I'll be working next spring. That means I graduate from high school a little later. :( But I think my recital is May 3, so mark your calendars, everyone! One of the pieces I'll be playing is coming along pretty well, but the other one needs a lot of work.
Since I've decided to get out of bed before 9:00 tomorrow morning, I guess I'll be heading off to bed in fairly short order. God bless!
"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." ~~Ps. 63:3
Posted by
10:29:00 PM
I am suddenly very anxious to start the school year. Too bad I don't even have my books ordered...
Woops...forgot to sign up for the ACT.
I have definitely not been looking forward to school until now.
Posted by
11:53:00 PM
"When I name forgetfulness and at the same time recognize what I name, how do I recognize the reality unless I remember it? I do not speak of the name's sound but of the thing that it signifies. If I had forgotten that, I would surely be unable to recognize what the sound should impart. When I remember memory, memory itself is present to itself through itself. But when I remember forgetfulness, both memory and forgetfulness are present: memory by which I remember and forgetfulness which I remember...
"Therefore, if forgetfulness is retained in memory not through itself but through its image, surely it was itself once present so that its image might be acquired. But when it was present, how did it inscribe its image on memory, since by its very presence forgetfulness wipes away whatever it finds already noted there? Yet in some manner, although this manner is incomprehensible and inexplicable, I am certain that I have remembered forgetfulness itself, whereby what we remember is destroyed."
Posted by
3:34:00 PM