

I have two things to say in this post titled "title."
First, why do I have to title all my posts. After finally think of a title, I feel as if I have to restrict that post to just such as pertains to the title. It's restricting. So this time I'm going to write about something that has nothing to do with the title.
Second, I'm beginning to like blogging, even if nobody ever comments. That's because I have neglected to tell anybody about it. So it's my fault that nobody ever comments. I like blogging because I can basically write about whatever I want, it's computerized, and I can save the paper in my journal for what I'm really bothered about. Here I can spout whatever I want and then delete it later after I've had my fun with it. The downside is other people can view it, but it's not too much of a downside because I guess I don't care too much if people read this. However, since almost nobody does see it, it doesn't matter, does it?


jscoby said...

Did you just call me nobody???? How dare you. I'm hurt, therefore, I shall not comment!

Martha said...

You're, like, one out of two. So I guess that's 50%. However, since two out of 6 million isn't even on the percentage chart, yeah, you are a nobody. Sorry. :)

jscoby said...

Well, then...

Here's a comment from the nobody.