
The events of this evening... Monopoly! :)

Okay, I admit it. I've been talking about Monopoly an awful lot the past day. However, I just want everybody to know that I won!!!! That was really cool. I only had a total of 9 properties at the end of the game--Eric had the rest--but I had all the money, and Eric couldn't pay the rent on any of my properties, or at least the ones with hotels. I had the red and blue Monopolies, and Lydia gave up after landing there a couple of times. They both thought I had a lot of money, and it did appear that way, but it was mostly bills worth 50 and on down. There were a lot, though. I didn't have 100s very often because houses cost a lot. :)

However, we were unable to totally finish the game (i.e. make Eric mortgage all his properties and be unable to pay the rent on Illinois) because the truck arrived at exactly that moment. So I had to go count pigs. Actually, I counted pigs better than I counted spaces on the Monopoly board. Huh.

Tomorrow I'm going down to Topeka for Day Under the Dome. Eric and Austin are playing the "Third Little Symphony" during the noon hour, and we are buying Mr. Lukert his lunch. It will be a fun day...no school...seeing people...maybe I'll see Stephen, who I never see anymore but at DUtD. I alway forget his name when I see him, though. He should come to Horse...oh yeah, he did go this last summer. Hehe.

End of the Spear comes out in theatres tomorrow. I wonder if it will come to Hiawatha (or Seneca) or if we have to wait until it comes out on DVD. I think it will be interesting. I wasn't overly excited about the documentary, but it's a story that does need to be told.

I should probably go to bed before I ramble out any more nonsense. :)

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