
I was tiring of Blogger and was about to abandon my faithful blogspot. Then I came to tell you I was moving and discovered that it was updated. I am now using Blogger beta, and it is so cool. I can goof around with my template so easily now--it's a lot of fun. Much, much easier to edit templates and links.

But in case you're wondering, I am posting more often on my Xanga, which you can also get to through the link in my sidebar. If you don't have a Xanga account, I will usually copy those posts onto my Freewebs blog so you can comment there if you want. The link to my Freewebs site is also in the sidebar.


Tiny Tim said...

So, why is zanga so much better?

Miss Lydia said...

See, Martha?

Miss Lydia said...

That's weird...why won't Eric's or anyone elses let me use beta?