
Sabbath Rest

This year I have been making an effort to read the Bible through in a year. There are times when I've have much difficulty in getting my passages read, and sometimes I don't even start! However, I'm using a Bible that has arranged passages chronologically so that the readings flow more easily. I'm not so distracted by the verse/chapter numbers and keeping track of how much I've read.

Right now I'm reading in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy--specifically the laws concerning sacrifices. It dawned on me that God required a lot out of His people. He chose these people for Himself, and He wanted them to reflect that. He didn't want them to act like all the other people out there; He wanted them to be special.

Then I thought, "If God required a lot out of His people then, shouldn't He require a lot out of us today?" We live in a society that live for themselves. Events are scheduled for Sundays, and we rarely take time out of our busy schedules to talk to our Heavenly Father. God used to punish people who dishonored the Sabbath day with death. Today, everybody gets away with shopping or playing ball on Sunday.

Even if others do as they please on the Seventh Day, we as Christians should respect God and honor Him on His holy day of rest. God spent a long time dictating to Moses the numerous laws and statutes that He expected the children of Israel to follow closely. They had many details to pay attention to. Perhaps we can honor Him at least one day out of seven--not that much time considering how much was spent a couple thousand years ago.

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