The band concert went pretty well. Despite the fact that the first conductor on the agenda never showed up and we had to skip a song, everything went smoothly. We had a pretty good turnout, but everyone sat as far back as they could. It was weird because I'm sure they couldn't hear nearly as well.
One more week of work completed. It was pretty busy. Not only was it very hot, but everyone also wanted to go camping. One kid came in with two toes all bloody, so I patched him up and sent him home. He was so sorry that he dripped all that blood on the floor and kept apologizing for it. I just sent him home and cleaned it up.
I still haven't decided when we're going to leave for the retreat tomorrow. We need to make it there by 11:00 at the latest so we don't miss three sessions, but if we leave at 8:00 we can make it for the 9:30 session. I have so much stuff to do. Why am I on the computer???
In a few minutes I need to go change clothes and grab a bite to eat before I leave for band practice. Only one more rehearsal before the concert tomorrow night. Aah! Oh well, it will be fun anyway.
I took a needed break from work today and did several loads of laundry. I also finished reading Robinson Crusoe. I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I had never read the unabridged version before and was interested to see what it was like. It did have a great theme! Also, I knew it Daniel Defoe was one of the earliest prose writers. That was actually my main reason for reading it.
I think it would be so cool to research the different eras of literature and write about how literature developed into what it is today. I'd like to know how literature has changed over the years (besides the sentences used to be really long).
My new favorite song is "Wherever You Are" by Jack Ingram.
I smell pizza.
Posted by
5:01:00 PM
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands."
I love music. As challenging as it is to hit the right note, especially when singing, I really enjoy making a joyful noise. As band practice drew to a close this evening, I almost wanted to go through all the songs again (well, most of them). I am finally seeing how the pieces fit together to form songs, and it is so cool when I see that happen. However, the pieces are not yet fitted, and I cannot wait to see that happen.
For all interested, the Atchison Community band will be performing next Tuesday night at 6:15 at the Atchison Community Park.
Now I am off for a night of sleep before I get up early and practice for my piano lesson tomorrow. :)
Posted by
11:49:00 PM
So today at work only one lifeguard was scheduled. Thinking I might have to sit outside but not entirely sure, I donned my swimsuit before I left home. I did have to sit in the sun for about an hour. Unfortunately, I neglected to slather on sunscreen. My back is a deep shade of red--except for where my ponytail was. There I have a white strip down my back.
I went to an ice cream social last night. I love homemade ice cream!
Posted by
11:10:00 PM
Good Times
We had a fellowship dinner after church today. That food is amazing. Despite the fact that we have a small congregation, we have lots of excellent cooks.
I have new shoes. I went shopping with Dad, Mom, and Lydia Thursday. That was fun, but I'm going again tomorrow--this time with Eric and Jacque. Eric's getting new shoes, so that will be fun. :)
I am all done with chemistry. I am so glad to be finished. That was probably my hardest class this year. I did learn a lot, but nine months at a time is long enough.
This evening Eric and I sat on the front step and chewed sunflower seeds. I didn't do too many, but Eric did. So did Sadie. At first she would just lick the shells that we had spit out and were lying on the sidewalk. Then Eric gave her a couple of fresh seeds, and the used shells were never the same. She loves sunflower seeds! Every time Eric got a new handful, he would give some to Sadie. Usually, Sadie would finish first and sit around waiting for more. Meanwhile, the cats looked on in amusement.
Posted by
10:00:00 PM
I like this music.
Posted by
10:12:00 PM