
The band concert went pretty well. Despite the fact that the first conductor on the agenda never showed up and we had to skip a song, everything went smoothly. We had a pretty good turnout, but everyone sat as far back as they could. It was weird because I'm sure they couldn't hear nearly as well.

One more week of work completed. It was pretty busy. Not only was it very hot, but everyone also wanted to go camping. One kid came in with two toes all bloody, so I patched him up and sent him home. He was so sorry that he dripped all that blood on the floor and kept apologizing for it. I just sent him home and cleaned it up.

I still haven't decided when we're going to leave for the retreat tomorrow. We need to make it there by 11:00 at the latest so we don't miss three sessions, but if we leave at 8:00 we can make it for the 9:30 session. I have so much stuff to do. Why am I on the computer???

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