
Good Times

We had a fellowship dinner after church today. That food is amazing. Despite the fact that we have a small congregation, we have lots of excellent cooks.

I have new shoes. I went shopping with Dad, Mom, and Lydia Thursday. That was fun, but I'm going again tomorrow--this time with Eric and Jacque. Eric's getting new shoes, so that will be fun. :)

I am all done with chemistry. I am so glad to be finished. That was probably my hardest class this year. I did learn a lot, but nine months at a time is long enough.

This evening Eric and I sat on the front step and chewed sunflower seeds. I didn't do too many, but Eric did. So did Sadie. At first she would just lick the shells that we had spit out and were lying on the sidewalk. Then Eric gave her a couple of fresh seeds, and the used shells were never the same. She loves sunflower seeds! Every time Eric got a new handful, he would give some to Sadie. Usually, Sadie would finish first and sit around waiting for more. Meanwhile, the cats looked on in amusement.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Chemistry's tough, so I'm glad you made it through with general satisfaction. :)

Good cooks bring out the best for fellowship lunch--we have one every week here, and it's the best meal anyone gets all week! Very fitting for the Lord's Day: feasting and fellowship with resting.

A dog who likes sunflower seeds. How funny! I like 'em too--but not enough to eat the shells. :)