
I thought life would begin to slow down last week, but it hasn't. It seems I've been going full force! I'm working in the afternoons and (ugh) beginning to think about school. I want to finish early next year, but history will take a long time. I will be doing US history, physics (oooooh boy), advanced math, Sketches from Church History (that should be interesting), Vocabulary from Classic Roots (this is getting scary), Wheeler's Latin, and English Workshop. Oh, and then I'll be reading MacBeth, Moby Dick, and Pride and Prejudice. I think that's all, but you never know. I think I will enjoy literature the most this year--either that or Sketches.

A few days ago I learned that we were having our kitchen wallpapered. Yesterday it happened, and it looks nice. I'd show you pictures, but I'm too lazy to download them off the camera.

And I'm off! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Martha!
Just thought I'd comment and say hi! Have a great day!
God Bless,

II Timothy 2:15